Lennox Head Public School

A dynamic and caring learning community

Telephone02 6687 7230


Parent Information

2024 Prospectus: Wellbeing and Procedures - Including uniform price list

Kinder Presentation: for new Kindergarten 2025 - Slideshow presented by Mrs Langfield to parents. 

Lennox Head PS November Planning Update - New School Build

School Infrastructure Home - Ensuring safety, reliability and longevity. School communities across NSW are benefiting from $2.2 billion over 4 years in planned maintenance investment.

General School Information 2025             

Welcome to Lennox Head Public School for the 2025 school year. A special welcome to all of our new families and to all of our new kinder students. We are sure that your child and yourselves will have a great year of learning. If at any time you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call in and see the friendly office staff.


We no longer produce a school newsletter, which was previously delivered fortnightly. Now, all information, including photos, award winners at assemblies and general school information, will be updated weekly on the school website. The calendar for parents is available through School Bytes

We will use School Bytes as our main form of communication. If you have not done so, please install the free app on your phone - we use this app to send out excursion information, reminders and urgent messages to our families. 


The school day begins at 9:30 am. Please ensure your child/children are here on time. It is a legal requirement that when school is operational and your child is enrolled, they must be in attendance.

If, for some reason, you are late, you will need to present to the office with your child to receive a late note: students are not able to do this without a parent being present. The school day ends at 3:25 pm (kinders 3 pm for the first month). Please be on time to collect your children or ensure they know how they are getting home.

If you need to collect your child early for an appointment, you must come to the office first to sign your child out. You will then be given a slip to take with you when you go and collect your child from the classroom. Keep the Early Departure slip with you in case Truent Officers question why your child is not in school.

If your child is absent, you will receive a text after 10 am. Please respond to the text with the reason for the absence. If you are unable to do this, please send a note explaining the absence upon your child’s return to school. You do not need to ring the office to notify us of an absence. 

Absences that involve overseas travel and/or involve 10 days absence or more require an Extended Leave Certificate – forms are available at the office. You must have these forms completed before you travel as we need to issue an extended leave certificate for you to take with you to the airport. If you cannot produce the Certificate at the airport Child Protection laws may prevent you from leaving the country.

Absence reasons

At times you may see your child’s reason for absence as being ‘explained’ and ‘unjustified’. Justified reasons for student absences may include:

  • Being sick, or having an infectious disease
  • Having an unavoidable medical appointment
  • Being required to attend a recognized religious holiday
  • Exceptional or urgent family circumstances (e.g. attending a funeral)

Bell times

9:00am - Start of morning duty (no teacher supervision will be provided before this time)

9:30am - Start of morning session

11:30am - Start of 1st break

12:05pm - Start of middle session

1:35pm - Start of 2nd break

2:10pm - Start of afternoon session

3:25pm - End of school day

Messages to students

We ask parents to try to get any messages to students by 2.30pm at the latest. After 2.30pm we have school leaders (or runners) come to the office to collect the classroom wallets. These wallets contain messages to students, notes to go home receipts etc. Please don’t email after this time with a message as we may not see it.

Sick Bay

If your child becomes unwell at school or injures themselves they will be sent to the sick bay by the class or duty teacher. In most cases, first aid is administered and your child will return to class. If the injury is more serious or they are simply very unwell we will contact you. In addition, if a child receives a head knock, you will get a courtesy call just so you can monitor that evening if necessary. If your child has been vomiting etc we request that you keep them home a further 24 hours after this finishes to help stop the spread of infection.

If your child needs to take medication at school you must bring this into school in the original packaging with instructions. You will also be required to fill out a Request to Administer Medication so that staff can administer this for you. Never send medication in students bags for them to administer themselves.

Medication and Health Care Plans

If your child requires medication on a regular basis at school and/or has a Health Care Plan, please ensure these are updated at the start of each year. Please note that Anaphylaxis and Allergy Plans must be completed by your child’s doctor on an appropriately coloured ASCIA Plan proforma and feature a recent photo of your child.

Please be assured that all students who have serious medical conditions (or Child Protection Orders) are treated with strict confidentiality, and all relevant information is conveyed to relevant staff members.


We expect the following items to be included on the student invoice: Reading Eggs; PAT Assessment & Life Ed (Years K – 2 only)

Voluntary School Contribution $50 for the 1st student or $80 per family.

Throughout the year, there may be other items that require payment, such as excursions, sporting events etc, that we will notify you of when they arise.

Payment methods

To streamline office procedures we appreciate payment at the same time as handing in permission notes. If students are paying at school, they should place the permission note and payment in a paper or zip lock bag with their name on the bag into the silver Office Deposit Box at the rear of the admin building.

Our preferred method of payment is through the Bytes portal and app. Families can also pay by eftpos in person or over the phone or cash. We ask families to avoid paying for activities on the day if possible as the office environment can become extremely busy in this situation and the management of payments, travel, class lists and rolls are done prior to activities.

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